Dec 26, 2009

U meet me halfway..

no description

u know why

Return to where we were..

Td kul 2 pm waktu mlesia
aq da smpi UTHM (gemilang akan dijulang)
saing azza.

daftar bilik same.
sem 1 duk blik A-313.
sem ni dpt (pilih) bilik aras bawah.
nombor kapten cesc di situ.

xya sakit otot naik tangge lg.
xya tkut jtuh tingkap.
xya lari laju2 klu lmbt pg class.

da kmas brg.
da mop blik.
da sakit 1 badan (mcm org tuwe).

da da u la la.
ceri ceri boom boom.

ok tata.

Back to chapter 1..

regret (n)

A feeling often accompanied by sadness, shame, and guilt; regret is when you wish you had done things differently in your past.

"I have many regrets in life, but you were not one of them."

"Man.. I really regret deleting all my posts :( now I have to write all over.."

usaha tangge kejayaan.