Dec 27, 2010

TRON legacy

So I watched this movie like, last week.
Venue: Big Cinemas BP Mall
Ticket price: RM15.00
Duration: approximately 2 hours
Movie partner: Sharkboy

yeah, its in 3D. Quite reasonably priced. Kalau dekat GSC, 3D movie costs RM19.90, if i'm not mistaken.

Okay, about the movie, it was cool.. Nice graphic nak2 time dekat virtual TRON world tu. Tah apa2 aku bagi nama xD so I suggest if you wanna watch it, buat lah research dulu. Baca synopsis dia kat internet ke, kat IMDB ke.. taklah nanti tertanya2 and tak paham.

Cerita dia tak complicated pun, nak tahu ke? Pergi lah tengok sendiri, haha. (Pemalas punya review-er aku ni) :p

Tapi I know lah, bagi guys yang tengok cite ni, mesti suka tengok perempuan yang nama Quorra tu, sebab dia cun :p

Oh, anyway, cite ni ialah remake film TRON yang release tahun 1982 (di mana ketika itu saya bukan malas nak tgk wayang, tapi mahluk yang benama wayang pun tak wujud lagi) terrrrrringin pulak nak tgk cite versi lama tu, so sape yang bace ni tolong la donlod kan sy okay ;)

Overall, cite ni menarik, efek and graphic best (budak awam menerangkan secara general sebab tak tau istilah specific die xD) kalau time mengantuk jangan lah tengok, sebab pening kepala nanti. Fifi yang kata :p kthanksbai.

^Haa, yang ni tak release lagi..

Jelena picspam

p/s: aku dating xde org pun nak amik gamba

p/s/s: eh aku mana pernah dating
credits to this tumblr


Biar lah nak kata cinta monyet ke cinta beruang ke..
Tapi seriuss comel!

and I really2 love the way Justin look at Selena
in this video
yea, I know lah he is performing..
tapi the way he stares tu macam there's no one else kat situ but her
(okay, you may vomit nao xD)
oh bytheway, most of my friends sume adalah anti-Bieber

Oil, oil everywhere..

Have you ever dream of having perfect skin macam dalam magazine tu?
Naahh, semua tu dah airbrushed, photoshopped. Lets face it, there is no such thing as PERFECT SKIN! >.<

"There are no ugly girls in this world, only lazy girls"

Quote ni maksudnya semua orang pun cantik, yang tak cantik tu sebenarnya pemalas.
Macam tu eh? Ha betul lah tu. Bukan susah pun nak jaga diri. Cuma maybe amik masa sikit.
Kalau muka tu, ada 3 step je, twice a day. Cleansing, toning, moisturising.

Tapi ada lah certain human being yang lucky and blessed with 'good genes', tak perlu pakai apa2 pun dah cantik :) macam my roomate masa matrik, Hidayah. Kulit dia jenis kering and bersih. She can go to bed, leaving those 3 steps routine and wake up looking fresh. Lepas tu pergi kelas with barely any make up on. Lucky her! If it were me, buat macam itu, I would scare the sheet out of the whole kuliah, looking like a zombiel xD

Okay, so I am among the 'unlucky' ones who need extra facial care. People once suggest me, what if you stop putting all those chemical stuff on your face, maybe your skin will become better. YES, I've tried it. And it did NOT become better, trust me. -___-

This is because, I have oily skin. There is nothing unclean about oily skin. Lagi bagus, oily skin lambat berkedut. Worddddd. Cuma tu lah, lebih prone to breakouts. Well, here are some steps you can take kalau ada oily skin macam saye, and rakan2 artis saye kat bawah ni :p

1. Cleanse your face with a soft cleanser twice daily. Jangan guna pembersih yang harsh, yang mengeringkan kulit. Sebab when your skin jadi kering, it will produce more oil. Paham?

2. Pakai toner yang alcohol-free. Alcohol is baddd.

3. Mask yang paling sesuai untuk oily skin is clay mask. U know, mask yang macam lumpur tu, biasa kaler kelabu or putih. Baguss.

4. Guna skrub like, tiga kali or 2 kali seminggu. Bukan hari2 okay! or else your skin will become thinner, and super dry, macam orang yang dah 10 tahun mati..

5. Guna products and makeups yang specially formulated untuk oily skin. Cari perkataan2 macam 'oil-free, water based', 'non comedogenic', 'wont clog pores', 'non acnegenic' and lain2.

6. Always have a facial blotter in your purse. I trust Clean and Clear most, and also Gatsby has a good one too.

Okay dah tu je. kalau nak dengar I bebel pasal skin, sampai esok pun tak abis.. Nanti lah I buat VCD 18 episod pasal kulit ni :p

Dec 26, 2010

Ho ho ho!

Happy Holidays!

I need a vacation, which needs money, which require me to WORK, which I can't, because the so-called 'holiday' is coming to an end...

I need to update my blog more frequently, which is hard, because I have little time and too much things to say, to much piccas to post, but I dont have usb cables, which I do not own, which I usually borrow from my housemate, whom is not around because I am in kampung right now, and I am very lazy to go online because my mum will nag me for spending too much time in front of the laptop until my back hurts!


Dec 24, 2010

Mad woman, bad woman! :(

"Anger is an ugly thing and it spoils the fairest face.
It comes like a rainy cloud upon a sunny place.
It works the wrong way and we can never make it right.
By sorrow or by tears nothing can make it change. "

Hello, harini sye nak buat sikit muhasabah diri..
Diriku yang memang tak sempurna
aicheh, dah la tak payah nak melayu sangat..

Okay, mcm ni..
I dunno why
I have a lot of anger inside me..
Mak angkat Adib pun penah kata..
I tried to deny it..
tapi sebenarnya..
memang betul...
dalam diam2, I am an angry woman..
i tak tahu kenapa..
yea, sebenarnya i tahu..
ada a few incidence yang made me who I am..
biarlah I sorang je yg tahu..

walaumacamana pun, the thing here is,
gila kau pemarah, drama queen buat orang menyampah tahu?
macam masa OPKIM
kau sentap skali time sukaneka
muka nak ketat
(yela, aku kena ditch time tu, memang la upset)
tapi takyah la nak tunjuk sgt ye..
senyommm ^_____^
positive thinking is essential..

time debate haritu,
awal2 kau rasa macam kena join team arab kan??
muka nak ketat nak mampos..
rilek suda..
macam tak boleh tuka ngan hati yang riang..
tapi itu lah..
that is something I'm trying to control!!
sila beri tunjuk ajar
ye, saye dah figure out cara2 nak handle kemarahan
adalah rahsia

pasni saya marah lagi sila lah mengingatkan kembali..
being angry never solve anything
saye nak jadi penyabar macam ayah saye


Dec 14, 2010


"Semua hot stuff dah berpunya"(Adib, 2010)

I could not agree more



  • I want my hair back (T.T)
  • Clinique 3 steps
  • steam iron kat carrefour tu
  • baju baru. lama gila tak bli baju
  • 6 pax

Kamikaze Race!

Nak story ni..
time exam haritu kan, kat news feed i
punya la bnyk notification
mahluk2 kat fb tu
main game..

i tgk macam rasa nak try..
tapi masa tu ada lg 1 paper..
so tahan2..
behave azie, behave..

then hari last paper tu..
konon balik kata nak tidur
ganti balik tidur yang terkorban masa exam..
skali on fb..
and rasa nak main la game tu..
Kamikaze Race..

GOSH, game tu memang addictive!
tapi i suka,
sebab i terer..
i main dalam 30 minit je
da dpt ranking top 15

i tak pakai cheat ok
then dalam the next day kot..
i da top 5 dah :p
*muka bangga*

well, tips i nak main game ni
senang je..

- pandai2 cilok, lagi belok lagi susah nak berlanggar. jgn duk blakang buntut lori..
- make use of the opposite lane (bila da laju, bole guna lane kiri sekali)
- off kan sound efek dia yang ngeri tu, instead listen to your favourite music while playing this game.. My playlist ada lagu Bella Luna (super relaxing :), Labels or Love (upbeat), Yin Yang Twins punya Valentines day Tango, and a few others..


yang ranking #1 ngan #2 tu takyah caye, main 25 tahun tanpa henti pun tak mungkin dapat markah mcm tu.. dusta belaka xD


xoxo Gossip Girl

Tibe2, harini rasa nak menggosip..
tapi gossip artis takpe, tak dosa.. :p

Gossip #1

Justin and Selena!

awww if this is true, that would be sweeet!
Anyway, Selena said they're just "best friends"
and she will never be romantically involve with him
Gosh, now where I'm gonna find a 2-years-younger-mr-jambu-hair-flipping-singer? xD

Gossip #2

Zac and Vanessa

They are OVER! haha.. Take that..
Dah been together 4 years pun breakup jugak..
and thats why i tak rasa nak ada relationship nao..
And seeing my friends yang bahagia gila dgn partner masing2,
the evil thought inside me says..
"tak lama tu.."
lol, okay thats really mean azie.. xD

Gossip #3

Ke$ha $ex tape

Haa.. sapa fan Ke$ha? xD
definitely not Aina.
Nak tahu pergi google sendiri..
I tak suruh ok.. :p

Okay dah tu je, tanak gossip banyak2..
tak baik untuk kesihatan.

Nov 21, 2010

On leave

Hiatus mode on!!
See ya lepas exam..
wish me luck

Nov 19, 2010

Azi vs Gravity

Dear gravity, I'm glad that Sir Isaac Newton discovered you some days ago. Tapi, kenapa kah kau dengki sangat pada aku. Yeah, I know, itu mmg tujuan kau dicipta. To keep us all attached to the ground.

Tapi..tapi!! of all the places kau nak membuktikan theory tu, why would you ever choose dekat Mid Valley, in front of berbelas pasang mata.. -___- and lagi best, time aku tengah jalan sorang2.. kalau ada membe boleh gak tolong cover ke, tolong gelak kan pun ok lagi.. Tak pun boleh la aku tuduh dia tolak aku. Yalah, angin takde, tibe2 aku menyembah bumi kan.

Well sebenarnya aku saja nak test power lutut aku ni.. Dulu pernah jatuh lagi teruk time main futsal kat matrix. Parut pun dah hilang. Sekarang dah ade parut baru. Yelah, parut tu kan aksesori wanita gak kan. Macam tattoo. Except its ugly. And takda motif. Tima kasih.

Bop It!

I remember the last time
I mess around with my cousins Bop it..
dekat rumah atuk
yang macam ni punya..

mesti la i jakun gila,
orang kampung la katakan..
anyway, i main lama gak
dapat set rekod lagi
i kalau main game mmg cepat tangkap..
klu hapal surah untuk hafazan skola agama dulu lambat pulak

and nao,
9 years later
I bought my own bopit!
even macam dah terlebih umur
untuk main benda tu..
biarlah, i tnga mid life crisis..
macam ni i punya
kat metrojaya, 69.90$

so i main..
duh, mesti lah I terer gila..
my abang awal2 nak mempersenda kan
kata bnda tu tak mencabar
sekali dia main
markah 3..

So yg i punya tu tak extreme sgt..
ada 3 mode - solo, party, ngan pass-it
4 commands - bop it, twist it, pull it and shout it.
and 3 level - novice, expert, master

benda yang paling mengkagumkan ialah
I pass from level expert ke master,
*muka bangga*
yea, it must be in my blood

okay lepas ni
maybe lagi 9 tahun xD
i nak cari yang lebih extreme..
more extreme than this one


Nov 16, 2010



Nov 12, 2010

jangan marah2

nanti cepat tua


Nov 10, 2010


kenapa workout?

sebab nak killer body lah

no image available


Kasih an..

Kalau ditanya, perasaan apa yang paling dominan dalam diri aku
well it will be
yeah, i have this feeling towards everything
literally every things
bukan saje sesama manusia..

aku banyak simpan barang2 lama aku
bukan berguna lagi pun
tapi aku simpan juga
sampai penuh my almari
kenapa tak buang?
:3 kesian.

^old shirts, takkan buat kain buruk
:3 kesian.

nanti die sedih aku buang dia..
(ada sedikit pengaruh dari toys story gak)
(part When Somebody Loved Me tu, NEVER fail to make me cry)
(NEVER. full stop)

then pada haiwan..
tak kira lah jahat mana haiwan tu
aku takkan bunuh
for the record,
tikus pernah gigit
my Marks and Spencer hoodie
of course, i was mad..
tapi nampak tikus..
oww comel, mcm hamster
:3 kesian

well today..
i caught one in my rumah sewa..

I guess imma leave it there..
until God knows when
nak pukul ke??
:3 kesian


p/s: pasal manusia pulak
fifi kata 'dilarang buat keputusan berdasarkan rasa simpati'

Nov 8, 2010

I gotta learn

Not to rely on anybody..

Nov 7, 2010

Tak ada apa2 lo..

Somewhere around last year..
Abang aku ada bagi aku
Sehelai skinny jeans
Yang sangat skinny,
pungung aku pun susah nak masuk
malas aku nak pakai
tgk sikit jenama
macam jenama cina bukit..
"ya lo, ini baik punya lo, unik lo.."
ha mcm tu lah aku fikir..
then tiba2
somewhere around last month
denga2 dkat KL
ada bukak kedai baju nih..
famous, dari Jepun..
jenama apa?
aku tanya abg aku
dulu dia dapat suar tu kat mana?
maju lah bundle..

Mak saya cool~

Mak kata..

Masa sekolah dulu:

"kau takyah la ade kawan lelaki.. nanti kat universiti ramai lelaki kau boleh kawan.."

Dah dekat U:

"kau takyah la ade boipren sekarang.. nanti dah kerja lagi ramai yang kau akan jumpa.."

baik lah mak, saye nak voksegen beetle, boleh?


Aku tak kejar apa yang kau kejar

Someone told me that girls have a weak spot for smart guys..

Well I do agree to disagree..

Yeah, memang perempuan suka smart guys. I used to like smart guys. Sebenarnye bukan lah sebab dia smart aku suka, tapi sebab aku terpengaruh dengan nerdy-is-cool thingy.. Aww, cute nya nerdy guys. Dengan spec dia (Adib memang suka, nak2 yang pakai white long sleeve shirt) haha. Okay. Tapi bukan semua. Itu tujuan cuci mata semata - mata xD

Anyway, berbalik kepada topik asal. Ya, kenapa perempuan suka lelaki pandai. Haish, mesti lah, pandai > kerja bagus > duit banyak > bahagia. Haha! Aku selalu mengeluarkan statement materialis seperti ini. Nah, aku tak mata duitan. Aku lagi percaya pada duit yang aku earn sendiri. Sebab tu nak pegi jalan2 makan megi sebulan :D oh anyway, betul lah statement aku tadi.. ini extract dari 1 website yang aku jumpa:-

The smarter you are, the more chance that you will become rich or successful or famous. Women love rich men. If she thinks you are smart, she will think that you can figure it out how to make more money and how to become more successful.
Women love money, success and fame.

haa, kan betul tu. Jangan jaki wahai lelaki, pempuan memang macam itu. Kau tak suka, kau jadi gay okay. Tapi kau jadi gay, kau kena laknat. So nak taknak kau terima je lah xD

Then, perempuan ni, memang nature nya suka dibimbing. So mesti lah suka pada lelaki yang berilmu tak kira lah dalam soal agama ke, matematik ke. Supaya boleh guide dia ke arah yang benar. "Abou the x-axis" (Dr. Kavikumar, 2010) ha macam itu lah.. haha.

Lagi satu, zaman sekarang ni perempuan dah maju. Dah lama keluar dapur xD Belajar punya lah tinggi. Yalah, tengok kat universiti sekarang. Yang amil engineering pun pompuan bersepah. Haaa laa. :p so mereka ini mesti lah nak cari lelaki yang lagi up2 sikit. Baru dia boleh look up to him.. boleh minta nasihat, tunjuk ajar, bla3.. Ok dah sekian itu saja dari aku. Aku kena study. Sebab aku tanak cari pun lelaki pandai di masa hadapan. Menyusah kan kepala je. Kthanksbai.

Simple rule..

If u don't wanna get hurt,

don't lurk!!

haha.. kthanksbai.

Kisah malam tadi

Aku: Adib, kenapa tutup semua lampu?

Adib: Ada kekatu tadi.. banyak..

Aku: Mana..? berapa?

Adib: Ada tadi.. 2 ekor

Aku: -_____-

Nov 4, 2010

Life goes on

i take up new hobbies
so i wont think about you that much
you, whom i took for granted

Over and done

I promise myself not to write anything personal in this blog.
So this is not gonna be an emo - meluahkan perasaan post.
No such thing okay :)
Aku tak nak paksa orang..
Sebab aku tahu how it feels like
bila kena paksa


Nov 3, 2010

Review lagi

so, I watched this malay movie. Yeah, to those who know me well, I seldom watch cerita melayu unless.. I wanted to.. Okay. Aku tengok satu cerita ni..agak famous lah I guess, sebab semua house mates da tengok.. So i start tengok last week. And semalam baru sampai habis. No. Cerita tu bukan besiri. Its a movie -__-

Macam ni.. awal2 dia.. bad boy.. boy meets girl.. boy falls in love.. (duh..) then bla3.. last2 kawen.. mati.. and that is my review, sekian terima kasih.. xD

LOL, come on la Azi, support local scene!! Made in Malaysia!! Yalah, aku support la ni.. kalau tak buat ape aku tulis..baik aku tulis pasal aku mengempty kan bowel kelmarin.. or whatever -___-

oh and pasal movie tu.. hmm actually its not that bad.. ok lah.. cuma tak memberi impak pada hidup aku pun.. da habis, dah.. and aku tengok pun, maybe sebab actress dia cun.. :P biasa lah manusia.. cepat sgt tertarik pada luaran.. cuba kalau pmpuan tu muka biasa2 je, x de nye mamat tu nak suka kat dia.. ok i'm not judging anyone here.. tapi itu lah reality..

anyway, it is study week.. I am at home, so it is not a study week after all.. it is sleeping and watching tv, plus fooling around week.. kthnksbai..

ok yang ini nama dia total station.. I'm done studying for today.. haha!


^that is my overused phrase lately..

like so many things happen

yang made me went like

GOSH, when will this be over..


and GOSH, sorry dear bloggie, I haven't updated you since i dunno when..

i will update you nao!

Sep 25, 2010

As time passes by..

People change,
feelings change.
It does not mean that the love once shared
wasn't true or real.
It just means that sometimes when people grow,
they grow apart..

Spot the difference..

Dalam Game..

Dalam kehidupan nyata..


Sep 24, 2010

My room, my sanctuary

where the magic happens..

pandang kanan..

pandang kiri..

abaikan lah ape2 yg kelihatan seperti.. err err..

ade poster, world map, fabegas, arshvin, postcard dari seluruh dunia, dinding kne conteng..

skati lah bilik aku.. :P

ade.. -_- no komeng..


Sep 22, 2010


Rindu ayah..
I wrote a lot about ayah and keep it inside..
Tanak publish because it made me cry..
Mintak maaf kalau sy bukan anak yg terbaik..
I will always try to be a better person..
the person you've raised me to be..
Al-Fatihah utk ayah..
I miss u a lot..

Blogging 101

Di sini hambe nak menetapkan beberapa guideline utk menulis blog hambe..

1. Dalam blog x boleh kutuk siape2.. Sama mcm dlm dunia sebenar.. be nice to people.. Menyampah macamana pun, x perlu lah nk sebar dalam blog.. sebab u'll never know who'll read it..Treat people the way you wanna be treated.. Karma's only a bitch if u are, too.. :)

2. Tak perlu lah ckp pasal feeling sgt.. Yeah, terutama nya bila sedang emo.. haish, mcm2 keluar.. the best way is to type it all out, then 'save as draft' :) i did it a lot.. yelah, kadang2 kite akan regret ape yg kte tulis.. like, what was i thinking.. sebenarnya bende x de kte besar2 kan.. dah post nnt baru la terhegeh hegeh nak delete balik..

3. Be as informative as possible.. x salah nak buat post2 bodoh.. name pun blog sendiri kan, suka hatilah nk bebel ape pun.. tapi better kalau ada pengetahuan dlm blog tu..yalah, xde lah buang masa sape2 yg baca x dapat ape2.. p/s: the capital of Spain is Madrid.. :p just cause..

4. Kalau boleh tulis lah bahasa inggeris.. saje.. boleh improve your writing skills.. grammar.. lg 1 klu ade mahluk halus dari eropah tersesat ke blog anda, at least dia paham.. (which in my case, xde pon :D)

5. No bragging allowed. Yeah. Anything narcissistic-ish is no good.. xperlu lah letak gambar yg ade unsur2 menunjuk.. klu informative x pe.. klu baru beli anak gajah harge 5juta pun x perlu nk tunjuk2 sgt.. tunjuk sikit x ape :p

6. Make it interesting.. kalau harini makan nasi lauk ayam. x yah la post.. x menarik pon.. xde org nak tahu..

7. Tak nak lah tulis pasal relationship.. nnt ble org tu dah takde, agak menyedihkan ble terbaca balik post2 tentang dia.. nuff said..

Sep 21, 2010


FAKTA menarik :

Mahluk yang bernama Azie, dia x topup langsung since akhir bulan puasa, sampai lah Hari Raya. Dah naik U haritu baru dia topup.

Gila kan? Well, yalah. Biasa org time nak raya. Hamboi, bersms sakan. Calling2 semua member. Itu la kebiasaan. Yang x biasa tu aku. Semua org wish sms aku x reply. Adalah seketul dua yg aku sempat wish and reply. Yang selebihnya. Sorry guys. Aku tahu. Korang mesti menyumpah2 kate aku sombong la itu la. Yalah, mesej ajak raya, tanya kat mana semua aku buat dek je. Again, sorry. Really mean it. Seriously aku mmg x berapa layan hp aku. Aku selalu put it on silent mode and letak kat bilik. Kadang2 dalam laci sebab tanak budak2 main. Sebab. Entah. Maybe aku dah tua, da tak minat nk bersms mcm remaja :P. And oh, yelah, bpe hari aku dkat thailand. Takut mahal, kredit habis :P Lagi satu. Bg aku on dgn off hp time tu sama je. Aku tak suka bila aku harap sms dari certain someone. Tapi yg dapat dari org lain manjang. Aku x suka msg aku x direply. Tunggu lama2. Still tak muncul. Tak suka. Tapi bila dah mcm itu x pe lah. Aku x marah pun. Cuma sedikit kecewa. Kepada semua kawan sekolah, matrix, UTHM. Semua yg tak dibalas itu. Maaf zahir batin ya. :)

Selamat Hari Raya

Ye, aku tau la da lambat.
Tp masih boleh wish ape.
Selamat Hari Raya.
Kepada semua umat Islam.
Kepada diri sendiri.
Oh cuti haritu 2 minggu saje.
Too short.
Tak sempat aku nak buat apa yang aku plan.
Seminggu cuti aku duduk rumah.
Selebih nya aku pg mengembara.
Best lah.
Dari duduk rumah x buat apa2.
Ade amil gambar.
Tapi x boleh upload.
Laptop kena virus.

Habuk habuk everywhere

Hey bloq.
Aku busy.
Xde lah busy sangat.
Tapi malas.
Nak mengupdate kamu.
Nanti esok lusa aku rajin lah ye.

Sep 7, 2010

Oh no!

Oh no!
Christchurch kena earthquake :(
sad to hear..

Get well soon Chch!
looove new zealand pretty much.
hopefully Dorset House yg sangat cantik itu x terjejas ape2..
hopefully Mr. Tipora (scandal aina) sihat sejahtera di sana :D

ya Allah, sy bersyukur sbb tidak ditimpa sebarang bencana..
still, sy rase nk pg sane lg lah

Sep 6, 2010

alone. it's dark and raining. laptop is my only company.
where are you..

Aug 22, 2010

Ramadhan is coming~

Selamat Menempuhi Bulan Ramadhan

Selamat Berpuasa

Selamat Segalanya


Aug 21, 2010

Test test!!

Bukan testosterone.
Tp test la..
yang paling best

3 in a row

24 August - Mechanics of Material
25 August - Geomatic
26 August - Engineering Math 3

blaja blaja
no more fooling around

Aug 4, 2010


I need my mojo to write again!!
ade sesiape nk become my muse?

Aug 2, 2010

Tibe2 je..

aku nk ckp i love you kat sume org..
nape tah da buang tabihat ke??

Jul 23, 2010

What makes you look 10 years older

(abaikan this nonsense, tolong paham sy tnga boring and trase nk mumbling..)

Pakai kain batik

Pakai tudung endon/ariani/ibu arini/ibu esok lusa..

Pakai gold bracelet

Pakai sekop


Dukung baby

Begosip kuat2

Pkai pantyhose

Pkai bju telebih saiz


ape lg?


Bile kte sorg yg minat futbol

Bile kte sorg yg tau viral video 2

Ble kte sorg yg denga lagu 2

Ble kte sorg yg tau cite 2

I was so high

Now I'm solo

nobody to talk to



p/s: eduardo left arsenal for shaktar donestk.. i dun even know if i spell that right..

Jul 18, 2010

Ouh navas :D

this is a lazy - fangirling post

How come I only knew he exist in the 2010 World Cup??
where have those amazing eyes been hiding all these while??

ok those eyes are not that amazing after all..
they are breathtaking
is he a vampire or what??
:D hahaha..