Apr 13, 2010

The art of babbling..

One day time tgk mtv..
cte mtv cribs..
ala, yg pg umah oreng2 kaye giloss tuh..
or that programme can also be known as..
"oyeah, you have 10 bathroom and 12 cars, this reminds me that I live in a 2 room shack. Now I am sad. "
(no, not me, thats just an example to say your life sucks)
ok, moving on..

ade la 1 episode nih..
sorg mamat yg x putih ni..
mak aih, rumah besau gle..
kete terjalar2..
padahal aq x knal pown sape beliau..
ouh, rapper rupenye..

mak aq kate..
"die membebel pon boleh kaye ek.."
aq pown terpikir..
a ah la..

tgk la mcm lil john, sean paul..
nak kate hemsem, lg hemsem aq.. :P
tp sume kaye2..
what do they do for a living??
sng je..
just membebel tanpe halatuju..
cume ketinggian halaju..
(now i tell you why i started rhyming :D)

well, after dnga a few songs yg ade rapping part..
i actually tried to..
gle susa dowh!!
u cannot just read the part lju2..
u gotta go with the rhyme..
know what i'm sayin'??
(wannabe btul aq :D)

well, lpas try bnyk2 kali..
aq da master..
part Luda dlm lgu Baby..
and Sean Paul dlm Do You Remember..

org suruh blaja ko blaja rapping ek..
nnt dlm dewan exam nti rap la segala formula 2 eh..

which speaking of..
I gotta study doug!!
know what i'm sayin'??
