Mar 8, 2012

Les ketchup

~berdendang marila berdendang~
(intro yang tak masal)

Pade hari Selasa yang lhalu
beta telah berjanji temu dengan bekas2 gundik beta..

ok lets speak engrish..
wanna practice engrish ma..

so that night I have a small gathering
with my ex-roomates
when we were in TF during the first year..

they are - Azza Azrin, Izyani and Lynda..
dan lagi sorang ialah wani, jiran bilik sebelah..
they olls semua akak2 senior occay
so I paling muda occay..

but the most important thing is
we have fun meeting up and ketching up!
and camwhoring like tak jumpa lagi 5 taun..
ho ho ho

i lup them olls yaw
even though we only spend like one semester together..
( i spent 1 year with azza :* )
and i do miss wany and menit too!

yang kanan sekali dengan Iz, tengah2 tu retis (azza ngan wani) and kiri tu dengan linda lalala~

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