Nov 16, 2014
My Journey to Clear Skin Part I
Hai. Selamat berweekend :)
Today I'm gonna share about my amazing experience.
On how I heal my face.
I'm still on the journey towards clear skin.
We all are.
So let me cerita sedikit, mungkin ade orang yang dah tahu.
I suffer with acne since I was 17, 18 years old.
Kalau bukak balik gamba2 time tu, pehhh.
Memang mukaku ini menjadi tempat lepak fevret
mahluk2 yang bernama jerawat!
Jerawat batu, pasir, aggregate, tar semua ada.
Tak tahulah sebab hormon ke ape, nak kata pemakanan memang bukan.
Sebab I pernah jadi vegan sekejap, just to see how it will affect my complexion.
Nehhhii, langsung takda beza.
Memang down lah kan sebab rasa macam orang tengok muka kita ni geli jek..
Dah lah kulit berminyak, nanti orang cakap eeee, pengotor, tak cuci muke.
Padahal kite cuci punyalah gigih, orang mana nampak kan?
Rasa macam keluar tu nak pinjam topeng Encik Mimpi..
(eh tipu lah time tu Encik Mimpi tak wujud lagi dalam kamus)
Dah tentu la korang tanye kan, tak try ke produk2 mahal kak ton ke bla3..
Well3, don't let me start on products.
You name it, I've tried it!!
*Clinique 3 step
Beli mahal dekat Best Buy World pastu pakai sekali dua, tak sesuai dengan kulit, tumbuh bintik2 :(
Sampai ke sudah ade kat dalam bilik air tu, buat shower gel Y-Y
Pegi facial masa Matrix. Perrghh RM400++ yelah, time tu duit takde kot (macamlah sekarang ni banyak duit :p) Beli skali set dia yang kecik tu, try. Hmm.
Ni sebab tengok ada sorang kawan kulit bersih, tanya lah dia pakai ape. Dia cakap oh, jarang cuci2 muka ni, kalau cuci pun pakai Safi je. (huntong hidup ko nak, ada genetik kulit bersih). Aku pun pakai la. Hmm. Hmm.
Ok yang ni ada harapan sikit. Sebab produk dia macam ala2 ubat kan. It does work. But after a few month, immune Y-Y
Yang ni masa tu pakai toner dia je, so takleh nak conclude if it really works, cuma boleh cakap,
no difference made. Yelah, hengko expect lepas pakai product mahal boleh la muke berubah jadi cun macam ......(sila isi nama sape2 yang cun) kannn..
*Produk2 di kaunter
Avene, Loreal, Za, Garnier, Clinelle, Eucerin, Shurah, Neutrogena, .....dan banyak lagi tak ingat.
Oh produk2 ni bukan aku tenyeh sekaligus dalam satu masa tau! Aku tak sejahil itu. Tapi ni semua aku try dalam jangka masa dari aku 17 tahun sampai 24 tahun (8 tahun tuuu). Sebab proses nak cari benda yang sesuai dengan kulit ni, never endss.. And I wont give up on you bebeh!
*Ubat makan.
Doxycyclin. Ubat ni kalau korang gi jumpa doktor kulit, dia mungkin akan prescribe. Sejenis antibiotik untuk jerawat. Entah, aku bukan doktor, aku tak tau. This one works for a while, and then macam biase, lepas a few months it becomes immune.
Korang mungkin tertanya-tanya, eh, tak try .......(jenama skincare tempatan yang berkoyan-koyan iklan dalam Mingguan Wanita)?
Hmm let me susun ayat yang paling tak menyinggung mana-mana pihak. Like dis la, kita semua kan ada pilihan :) I choose to trust product dekat pharmacy, yang over the counter, yang dijual di market bertahun2 yang sudah sah taraf nya, dan diformulasikan oleh REAL SCIENTIST in laboratory. And I DID A LOT OF RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INGREDIENTS online (rasanya nak buat thesis pon layak dah :p). Ok.
Bukan nak kata produk itu ini tak bagus, tapi yelah, kadang2 aku tengok produk tu, ingredients dia tulis aleo vera, cucumber extract, pastu harga mengalahkan Clinique. Tapi oleh kerana duta dia retisss yang cantik and letops, korang percaye je, beli dengan harapan nak cantik macam dorang. Tapi tak sedar ko spend pada produk yang ko boleh petik blakang rumah. Hmm. Terpulang, duit hengko bukan duit haku.
Lagi satu, ada terbaca tak, produk bla3 ni, ada mercury, tak dapat sijil KKM, itu ini.. Kadang2 kita ni kemaruk nak putih sangat, sampai tak sedar tenyeh benda2 merbahaya kat muka. Ape hengko nak jadi mutant? Kalau mutant hensem macam Volverine takpe jugak. Pastu lagi satu, tengok produk ni contoh dia..
"Diformulasikan oleh Datin Mentimah dari Golok"
Hebat gilaaa Datin Mentimah, agak2 kat rumah dia ada kawah beso atas api, pastu dia campak ekor cicak, pokok betik, sepanar, herba misai kucing, daun bawang, bulu dada wayne rooney, and then setelah dibiarkan mendidih selama 8 hari 8 malam, whoooshhh, jadilah pencuci muka yang paling hebat di dunia!
"Founder Cik Puan Dugung binti Ikan"
Cik Puan dugung ada degree, jangan memain ko.. Tapi Degree Major In Bisnes and Architecture, dengan Kepujian dalam subjek Kebudayaan Uganda tahap Langit ke Tujuh. Tah macamana boleh terjebak bidang kosmetik pulak la kann. Tapi Cik Dugung cun dan suka up selfie muka flawless, so haruslahhh produk beliau mesti berkesan~
Terimalah kenyataan bahawa jika anda mempunyai modal RM250-300k, anda juga boleh menjadi seperti Datin Menti dan Cik Dugong. No explanation needed. Kbai.
Oleh sebab dah membebel secara tak sengaja, post ni pun dah jadi panjang and still
tak mencapai objektif sebenar xD
See you on next post, stay awesome!!
It seems all blurry to me.
But when I saw or hear something.
That brings it up.
Like an old photo,
Or a nostalgic song from that era.
It takes me back.
To that wonderful time of my life.
Ahh, I miss my childhood.
Wish I could see the playback.
Of my life during that time.
Well, maybe one day I could :)
But, on the other hand.
I can't help to ponder as well.
When I see and old pic of me.
Like, why do I look so silly xD
Somedays I look like a greaseball.
With a funny big hair (or simply crooked tudung)
Somedays I had a big grin.
Showing all my rongak teeth xD
But during that time,
I never thought about my looks.
Everyone around seems nice
And happy.
Thats the joy of childhood lah.
We have no time to think about
Mistakes and we don't judge.
We just live.
Those people who are a part
Of my childhood.
And still are, today.
I might not able to see or talk to you everyday.
But I love all of you dearly.
<3 p="">
Azi Zatika
p/s: You are a part of my childhood that I treasure :)
Sep 4, 2014
I'm Blogging Again
People says.. you're nobody untill you're talked about :p
So one day I woke up
and decided to blog again
(untuk kali ke 45208 nya)
Nothing personal,
Just pursuing my minat in menaip..
Do follow, bookmark, and view my blog everyday!!
or not
I'm not your mom.
Sebab Bau Nasi Minyak Kuat Sangat Weekend Lepas~
Beautiful advice from a divorced man after 16 years of marriage.
Obviously, I’m not a relationship expert. But there’s something about my divorce being finalized this week that gives me perspective of things I wish I would have done different… After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 16 years, here’s the advice I wish I would have had
1. Never stop courting. Never stop dating. NEVER EVER take that woman for granted. When you asked her to marry you, you promised to be that man that would OWN HER HEART and to fiercely protect it. This is the most important and sacred treasure you will ever be entrusted with. SHE CHOSE YOU. Never forget that, and NEVER GET LAZY in your love.
2. Protect your own heart. Just as you committed to being the protector of her heart, you must guard your own with the same vigilance. Love yourself fully, love the world openly, but there is a special place in your heart where no one must enter except for your wife. Keep that space always ready to receive her and invite her in, and refuse to let anyone or anything else enter there.
3. Fall in love over and over again. You will constantly change. You’re not the same people you were when you got married, and in five years you will not be the same person you are today. Change will come, and in that you have to re-choose each other everyday. SHE DOESN’T HAVE TO STAY WITH YOU, and if you don’t take care of her heart, she may give that heart to someone else or seal you out completely, and you may never be able to get it back. Always fight to win her love just as you did when you were courting her.
4. Always see the best in her. Focus only on what you love. What you focus on will expand. If you focus on what bugs you, all you will see is reasons to be bugged. If you focus on what you love, you can’t help but be consumed by love. Focus to the point where you can no longer see anything but love, and you know without a doubt that you are the luckiest man on earth to be have this woman as your wife.
5. It’s not your job to change or fix her… your job is to love her as she is with no expectation of her ever changing. And if she changes, love what she becomes, whether it’s what you wanted or not.
6. Take full accountability for your own emotions: It’s not your wife’s job to make you happy, and she CAN’T make you sad. You are responsible for finding your own happiness, and through that your joy will spill over into your relationship and your love.
7. Never blame your wife if you get frustrated or angry at her, it is only because it is triggering something inside of YOU. They are YOUR emotions, and your responsibility. When you feel those feelings take time to get present and to look within and understand what it is inside of YOU that is asking to be healed. You were attracted to this woman because she was the person best suited to trigger all of your childhood wounds in the most painful way so that you could heal them… when you heal yourself, you will no longer be triggered by her, and you will wonder why you ever were.
8. Allow your woman to just be. When she’s sad or upset, it’s not your job to fix it, it’s your job to HOLD HER and let her know it’s ok. Let her know that you hear her, and that she’s important and that you are that pillar on which she can always lean. The feminine spirit is about change and emotion and like a storm her emotions will roll in and out, and as you remain strong and unjudging she will trust you and open her soul to you… DON’T RUN-AWAY WHEN SHE’S UPSET. Stand present and strong and let her know you aren’t going anywhere. Listen to what she is really saying behind the words and emotion.
9. Be silly… don’t take yourself so damn seriously. Laugh. And make her laugh. Laughter makes everything else easier.
10. Fill her soul everyday… learn her love languages and the specific ways that she feels important and validated and CHERISHED. Ask her to create a list of 10 THINGS that make her feel loved and memorize those things and make it a priority everyday to make her feel like a queen.
11. Be present. Give her not only your time, but your focus, your attention and your soul. Do whatever it takes to clear your head so that when you are with her you are fully WITH HER. Treat her as you would your most valuable client. She is.
12. Be willing to take her sexually, to carry her away in the power of your masculine presence, to consume her and devour her with your strength, and to penetrate her to the deepest levels of her soul. Let her melt into her feminine softness as she knows she can trust you fully.
13. Don’t be an idiot…. And don’t be afraid of being one either. You will make mistakes and so will she. Try not to make too big of mistakes, and learn from the ones you do make. You’re not supposed to be perfect, just try to not be too stupid.
14. Give her space… The woman is so good at giving and giving, and sometimes she will need to be reminded to take time to nurture herself. Sometimes she will need to fly from your branches to go and find what feeds her soul, and if you give her that space she will come back with new songs to sing…. (okay, getting a little too poetic here, but you get the point. Tell her to take time for herself, ESPECIALLY after you have kids. She needs that space to renew and get re-centered, and to find herself after she gets lost in serving you, the kids and the world.)
15. Be vulnerable… you don’t have to have it all together. Be willing to share your fears and feelings, and quick to acknowledge your mistakes.
16. Be fully transparent. If you want to have trust you must be willing to share EVERYTHING… Especially those things you don’t want to share. It takes courage to fully love, to fully open your heart and let her in when you don’t know i she will like what she finds… Part of that courage is allowing her to love you completely, your darkness as well as your light. DROP THE MASK… If you feel like you need to wear a mask around her, and show up perfect all the time, you will never experience the full dimension of what love can be.
17. Never stop growing together… The stagnant pond breeds malaria, the flowing stream is always fresh and cool. Atrophy is the natural process when you stop working a muscle, just as it is if you stop working on your relationship. Find common goals, dreams and visions to work towards.
18. Don’t worry about money. Money is a game, find ways to work together as a team to win it. It never helps when teammates fight. Figure out ways to leverage both persons strength to win.
19. Forgive immediately and focus on the future rather than carrying weight from the past. Don’t let your history hold you hostage. Holding onto past mistakes that either you or she makes, is like a heavy anchor to your marriage and will hold you back. FORGIVENESS IS FREEDOM. Cut the anchor loose and always choose love.
20. Always choose love. ALWAYS CHOOSE LOVE. In the end, this is the only advice you need. If this is the guiding principle through which all your choices is governed, there is nothing that will threaten the happiness of your marriage. Love will always endure.
In the end marriage isn’t about happily ever after. It’s about work. And a commitment to grow together and a willingness to continually invest in creating something that can endure eternity. Through that work, the happiness will come. Marriage is life, and it will bring ups and downs. Embracing all of the cycles and learning to learn from and love each experience will bring the strength and perspective to keep building, one brick at a time.
Click this to A woman's response to "Beautiful advice from a divorced man after 16 years of marriage".
P/S: Feel like sharing this (:
Apr 16, 2014
Tips Tambah Tinggi
Peace be upon you
Tahukah anda, beberape bulan yang lalu I came up with this theory
"Semakin kurus anda, semakin tinggi anda kelihatan"
Aaaand, untuk menyiasat hipothesis itu, aku pun cuba experiment..
A few months later, ternyata..aku sedar
aku tidak mempunyai pembaris panjang untuk mengukur ketinggian
Ia masih tidak terbukti.. kah3!
Aaanyway, suatu keajaiban telah berlaku, di mana ada orang menegur ketinggianku
yang seakan-akan telah bertambah.. :3
Sila klik untuk mengurangkan penyeksaan terhadap mata |
Tipu je sebenanye tu..
Aku masih dengan ketinggian dahulu, iaitu 16x cm.. Y-Y
Namun, untuk tak mengecewakan mana2 pihak, ini lah dia tips2 nak 'nampak tinggi'
or nak 'tambah tinggi'
sukati ko lah..
tips ni aku mengarut aje, takyah la pecaya sangat..
1. Pakai seluar skinny (only valid if kaki kurus)
2. Pakai warna hitam (hitam always work!)
3. Pakai kasut tinggi (duhhhhhhh)
4. Rajin melompat sejak kecil (betul ni dulu cikgu aku cakap)
5. Amalkan stretching setiap pagi (dekat youtube berlambak, cari sendiri)
6. Lepak dengan kawan2 yang rendah (ini kejam okey)
7. Buat pembedahan tambah tinggi, RM200k aje (untunglaa kaye)
8. Ambil gambar dari angle yang nampak tinggi (kamera jangan tinggi bebeno)
9. Postur kena sihat, jangan bongkok (sapela dulu suke tegur postur aku..)
10. Masa kecik makan Calciyum. (heh? mase aku kecik dlu tak wujud lagi haa)
Aaaaanyway lagi. Biarlah anda rendah ke tinggi ke. Yang penting anda tak menyusahkan orang. Tinggi tu semua fizikal, jangan judge orang semata-mata sebab fizikal mereka. Mereka bukan objek okey, mereka ada perasaan. Paham? So lelaki kalau pompuan mengata tentang ketinggian anda, usahlah berasa insecure, cause you are amazing just the way you are :)
Haa boring2 ter search pulak kan tinggi mahluk2 ni.. Tengok tu Ariana Grande, 153cm je tau, comel gilossss..
Selena Gomez 165cm je.. Aku lagi tinggi :p |
Orang putih, standard aaa tinggi.. Genetic! |
tinggi lagi justin bieber,
tinggi selena gomez
Hoi Fairuz!!
Tiada Jodoh
Harini aku nak mengarut sikit, dalam 2-3 perenggan..
Kasi chan laaa..
Sebenarnya masih dalam mood frust nih.. Sebab ape, selalu aje clash jadual dengan cik adip.. Rasanya dah plan nak pegi TS dengan dia sejak 2 bulan yang lalu -_- masih belum tercapai.. punya lah busy nampak tak?? Lepastu last week ajak dia pegi Jalan Tar, memang tak tercapai sebab aku balik kampung, dia pun kerja..
Semalam lepas lunch plan lagi, sebab this weekend free.. Dia pulak mau balik somban, Sofia kawen.. Muahahaha (gelak dalam kesedihan) Y-Y walhal TS dengan Jalan Tar tu, sekakangkang kera je. Haiyooo..
Ok misi nak pergi tu, sebab nak cari tudung.. Sebab baru perasan masa skrol gambar kat FB.. ada laa orang tu, gambar dia semua tudung sama, baju sama, rotate2 benda tu je dia pakai.. Tapi ko jangan nak fitnah kata dia tak basuh, dia basuh tau!! Dia cuma.. erghhh.. (jap nak fikir sebab)..
Yelahhh untung la awek ko lawa, model.. Setiap kali keluar rumah kena selfie, upload dekat instagram.. Tunggu dia bersiap average ade la dalam 25 tahun.. Pakai high heels.. lepastu boleh gurau manje "eh awak pakai high heels pun pendek.." anyonyonyonyonyo..
Nah amik ko juling mato tengok selendang |
Sape tanak cantik, semua orang nak cantik.. Tapi tak baik lah kan kalau pandang yang cantik aje, siape pulak nak pandang kite yang biase2 ni.. Aku ade je hasrat dan niat suci nak pakai shawl selendang lawa2.. tapi apekan daya.....
Shawl lilit2 juntai2 berumbai2 memang tak sehaluan dengan :
a) Bentuk muka aku yang macam selena gomez (tolong kasi chan skali lagi)
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Huehueheuheuehue |
Mahluk halus punya lemak, even aku sudah kurus, ternyata pipi aku tak pernah kenal erti kurus! huh! Bila pakai shawl secara otomatik, tanpa perlu menukar gear - pipi terkeluar, muka jadi telur, hidung penyek, dagu membesar bak juara. Siape yang penah mengalami je tahu perasaan dia.. Siape yang muka cantik bujur sireh tu, syukurlahhh, sila pass genetic tu ke aku sikit.. Muahahahaha..
b) Motosikal dan helmet T-T
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Tahukah anda, fullface ini hensem?? |
Cuba kau bayangkan, kalau pakai wide shawl lawa macam Irene Nadia tu, lepastu kena bawak moto.. Rintangan angin dari 18 desibel dah jadi 180 juta kilojoule tahu?? Kena pulak nak cilok2 celah lori time jammed, ade karang terbang2 tersangkut kat mane2, maka mohon sedekahkan Al-fatihah dan heshtag #ripriderwideshawl #sapasuruhmiskintakmampupakaikereta.
Kes helmet pulak, setakat ni aku ada 5 helmet, cuma 1 yang mesra tudung (tapi tak pass JPJ pulak aih). Yang lain, memang bukak2 je, tudung yang telah di bentuk rapi sebentar tadi telah pun menjadi haiwan liar. Hangin satu badann.. Yelah, nanti aku inovasi kan helmet yang bergaya dan mesra tudung ye.. Tengoklah.. Esok ke.. Lusa ke..
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Ye? Nak kentang lebih? |
c) Perangai malas shaiton
Apesal shaiton pulak yang kena ni? kah3.. Dah nama orang bujang, haruslaa malas.. (tipu je, orang bujang kena rajin okey, nanti dah kawen jangan nak harap bini jek semua). Kelas kul 8, pukul 8.05 bersiap.. Dah tang mana pulak nak berfesyen bagai. Dah kerja ni kadang2 bagus jugak la ada usaha, tapi still takde nak mengadap depan cermin berlama2.. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO DAT! doakan lah aku ni berubah supaya jadi rajin tahap dewa ye..Tengok tu, doa pun suruh orang.. Shaiton sungguh pemalas itu~ puiiii!
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Expectation |
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Reality |
Oh ye model chun tu aku masih tak get over dia punya chun.. Semalam post kat twitter harini kat blog pulak.. Muahahaha.. Sila berkenalan dengan beliau, beliau sangat cantikkk T-T
Ok tipu kata nak mengarut 2-3 perenggan, ni dah 20-30 perenggan. Pape pun, hensem atau tak hensem itu tidak penting tapi yang penting ialah akhlak mulia. Muke lawa pun terhegeh2 dekat laki orang nak buatpe.. yedokkkk..
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Renung2kan dan selamat beramal |
Apr 10, 2014
Selamat Tahun Baru
Anggap lah aku menggunakan kalender alien berkepala tapir di mana semalam ia baru menyambut tahun baru padahal sudah pun menjengah ke bulan 4. Kwang3.. Haa lah, masih belum terlambat kan. Kalau engko nak kate lambat pun lantak engko lah, asalkan engko tak mencemarkan alam sekitar dengan membuat pembakaran terbuka.
Jadinya tahun baru bulan baru harus lah ada update.
Update pun sebab dah bercita2 nak blogging semula selepas menyepi selama.. entah berapa lama.. Sepuluh purnama setengah suku malam kot? (ayat sape ntah ni)
Ada orang kata aku dah stop blogging sebab dah ade "pakwa"..
Di sini sy sekerasnya menafikan sebab apa kono eh jang ape kene mengena pakwa dengan blog..
Kalau ada pakwe syok ape bole update blog letak gambau pi dating, gambau konvo sesame ke kan..
Malangnya pemilik blog ini sebenanya foreveralone maka hasrat itu tak tercapai tapi bagi sesape yang nak tengok post blog pasal date dengan pakwe boleh lah visit budaksekolahhorny.blogspot (tipu je ni sape pecaye dasar birah)
So tanpe melengahkan mase, updates!
Aku sekarang kerja. Tiap hari bangun pagi mandi semayang pakai baju, pigi kerja, balik kerja, mandi, tidur. Repeat until die. Hahaha.
Masih setia bersama KaiSaRa kuning. Walaupun lelaki yang dulunya menyukai aku kerna aku membawa KSR sudah pun pergi ditiup angin lintang. Muahaha.
Aku masih dengan cita2 yang sama. Sedang mengumpul modal lah kiranya. Nak jadi bisnesman je belum, sesapa yang nak bisnes partner sila pm. Bisnes partner aku ada da, tapi dia tengah busy dengan day job dia, hari2 balik pukul 10 malam.
Skill drumming aku masih teruk, bahkan bertambah teruk semenjak tak sempat prektis dek busy dengan hal duniawi akan tetapi di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada buah pisang yang baik untuk melawaskan berak.
Fizikal pula, aku sudah mengurus dengan jayanya tanpa bantuan korset, bengkung, mahupun pil pelangsing. Jangan tanya bagaimana sebab kalau aku tahu bagaimana sudah tentu aku sudah menjadi usahawan jamu seperti Kak Ton. Comel tak Kak Ton??
Bidang pelajaran aku sudah pun tamat pengajian tapi ternyata aku merindui zaman belajo di UTHM dahulu. Wuuu.. T-T Percayalah zaman belaja kat U is the best years of your life. So kepada sesape yang masih belaja, enjoi lah puas2 membina memori gittew.. (jangan buat maksiat sudah, aku tak suruh okey)
Sekian itu saje untuk hari ini.. Nanti aku edit post letak gambar supaya less hambar..
Ok rhyme, da bole jadik rapper lah aku.
The Return of the King versi 2.0
King yang dimaksudkan di sini bukan lah King Joffrey mahupun king kong..
Tetapi king yang pernah menetap di parit king selama 4 tahun..
Iaitu.. Jeng3.. King Aji!
Ok memang hambar intro tersebut..
Sebenanye nak kata, harini bangun pagi (lepas tekan butang snooze 18 kali)
tiba2 terasa nak menulis..
Rasa nak start blogging balik..
Rasa lah kan,
Harap2 rasa tu berkekalan dan tak musnah oleh waktu
Lame gila tak update sebab ape?
Haaa sebenanya sebab mim alip lam sim- buaye
dah itu aje..
Mengantuk gila kat ofis dari tadi tak abis mengaler pelan ni..
Ini lah aku klu nak tahu. Klu tanak takpe kthanxbai.
Feb 1, 2014
Oh Selena!
Kate nye Selena dah ada pengganti Bieber..
Austin Mahone, umur 17
Selena 21 tahun..
Taste muda2 je awok ni sel?
Takpe lah, awak cantik, awak nak kuar dengan sesape pun boleh..
Ye dak..
Saye tak kisah umur, yang penting die sayang saye.. tu je.. (tak tanye sudah)
Burn bebeh burn.. (A random rambling)
Checking my blog dashboard
I've seen lots of inactive blogs..
Aikk dunia blogging dah merudum ye?
Ke semua dah busy, takda masa nak update dah..
Blogger famous pun jarang update dah
Oh once in a while
I teringat dekat my friend sorang ni
Used to be my close friend
And then I dunno what happen
Stuff happen, we parted
Hey you out there, yes you!
Hope you're doing great, alive and kicking
Be careful with em sharks ;)
God bless
Did you know that
In life, akan ada pattern for everything
Its like a graph la
Someday, things will go downhill
but WHYYYY..
Well I know I'll try my best to make it work
Never stop trying..
Sometimes when you know something is wrong..
But you still do it..
But yeah, go on.
Break the rules..
In the end of the day, I got to say
"I told you so.."
I'm thinking about starting a vlog..
But then I got all lazy
To cover everything up, you know
Mana bole buat video tak tutup aurat
Good night~
Jan 12, 2014
Weekend Movie Night - PP and Gravity
Since dah kerja ni, tiap kali weekend kalau tak gi kenduri,
memang bertapak kat rumah aje
buat ape nak buang masa keluar
traffic jam lagi, abis duit lagi
my sis house, ape yang takde
semua ada - movies, internet laju, kasih sayang..
what more could I ask for?
So Sabtu malam tu tengok cerita melayu..
Rare sangat!! sebab ape, sebab cerita tu ada pelakon whats her face
Ukasha Senrose? haa kot
Ya, cerita Paku Pontianak
Hmmm aku rasa malas je nak review sebab sepanjang cerita kami memekak aje
Banyak persoalan..
Cerita baru start dah keluar antu, angle kamera yang macam cctv,
watak kayu yang skrip dia mesti ada 1 page je, guna font saiz 40 lagi
Plot ke laut memang toksah cerita la,
Yang tak tahan tu last2 siap pakcik tu boleh reasoning dengan pontianak
Aku rasa kalau aku spend RM10 tengok cerita tu kat wayang,
Mesti aku akan mengalami kemurungan berpanjangan..
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david teo, y u do dis?? |
Ahad malam, tengok cerita Gravity.
Awal2 aku tak tengok pun, sebab tenga main boardgame dengan wan..
Lepastu akak aku suruh tengok sebab dia kata best cerita tu..
Aku pun, meh - tengok je la..
First 5 minit macam flat, sebab aku pun tak paham benda ape yang astronauts itu bualkan
tak sama pun macam ape opismate aku selalu bualkan
(opismate selalu cakap kalau tak pasal bola, pasal politik)
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ko tau tak mat, menyu kalah lagi malam ni.. |
cerita tu menjadi best (dan agak stressful)
sebab yelah, bayangkan, engko astronaut, terperangkap dekat space sorang2
dah bukan kes foreveralone.jpg lagi dah,
kat space, melayang-layang, oxygen limited, nampak bumi tapi tak boleh pegi..
ade pulak serpihan satellite hancus melayang2
I admit, cerita ni banyak betul buat aku (dan audience lain) terfikir..
rasa macam sayang lebih dekat mother earth..
cantik sangat bumi Allah ni T-T
rasa macam loneliness itu amat menyedihkan..
and the will to survive itu penting..
Sandra Bullock punya acting.. thorbaik..
Jalan cerita.. thorbaik..
CGI effect.. thorbaik..
Rasenye nak compare dengan Paku Pontianak tu..
tak terluah la..
And oh, did you know, masa yang dia on the radio tu
yang dia termasuk line dengan Aningaaq tu
ada short story out of it..
boleh tengok kat sini --> ANINGAAQ
ok dah itu je..
aku selalu terfikir kenape la omputih terer buat movie..
kenape movie die boleh menyentuh emosi..
cite melayu stakat ni cuma berjaya menambah dosa aku aje..
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